- 首張同名專輯 (David Cook)

美國偶像 American Idol」第七季超人氣冠軍首張震撼專輯
有請葛萊美超級製作大師Rob Cavallo(年輕歲月、艾拉妮絲莫莉賽特、珠兒)操盤
暖身作品「The Time Of My Life」,直奔Billboard流行榜Top3+熱門下載榜冠軍,闖出AI第2季以來最佳銷售;Soundgarden樂團核心人物Chris Cornell參與撰寫之「Light On」,打入Top17

擁有飽滿的爆發力,酷味十足的搖滾型男David Cook,成功於「美國偶像 American Idol」第七季脫穎而出,隨即發揮銳不可檔的驚人實力,打破全美告示牌多項紀錄,11首比賽中演繹的歌曲全數挺進流行單曲榜,同時成為Nielsen Soundscan自1991年統計以來,在當週百大榜中擁有最多歌曲的超級新人王,憑藉14首新歌齊發,勝出邦喬飛在2007年所保持6首熱門下載榜的風光佳績。庫克朝著音樂夢想加速前進,同替Post-Grunge版圖劃下新世代強勢音浪。

出生於德州休斯頓的庫克,從小就顯露對音樂的才華,國小二年級開始在學校耶誕節和懇親會上獻唱,擔任餘興節目的主秀演出。進階中學之後,庫克更參加了多齣音樂劇,奠定許多紮實的根基。於1999至2006年間,擔任地下樂團Axium主唱兼吉他手,曾入選美國獨立樂團競賽15強之一,並拿下2004年堪薩斯市的最佳隊伍,經過四張專輯洗禮,最終仍步上解散的命運。2006年發行個人自製大碟『Analog Heart』,雖然沒有資金宣傳,卻因美國偶像的曝光,成為亞馬遜網站上「最暢銷MP3專輯榜」冠軍。RCA唱片公司的執行總裁Tom Corson形容庫克︰「他是多才多藝的歌手,對音樂有著敏銳洞悉力,一位天生的藝術家、真正的明星。」

首張同名專輯『David Cook』請到葛萊美加冕的搖滾樂界超級製作大師Rob Cavallo(年輕歲月、艾拉妮絲莫莉賽特、珠兒)操盤。暖身作品「The Time Of My Life」,直奔Billboard流行榜Top3+熱門下載榜冠軍,闖出美國偶像第2季以來銷量最好的成果;陸續擔任Soundgarden和Audioslave經典樂團核心人物的Chris Cornell,與加拿大籍全方位才子Brian Howes(Daughtry、Hinder)聯手撰寫之「Light On」,深獲Entertainment Weekly好評道:「聽過兩遍就能深刻的印記腦海,很有可能成為主流大熱門」,直接空降Top17位置;包覆耐聽順暢音符的「Life On The Moon」,宣洩如同Creed、Nickelback等團標準美國正夯的Post-Grunge曲式;不讓Daughtry專美於前的散發自信和絕對魅力之「Lie」、「Avalanche」,倚著滄桑沉穩的嗓音,快速蔓延過耳不忘的感染力;「Permanent」則是加入鋼琴+弦樂淒美協助的感人抒情小品。庫克難以掩蓋的耀眼光芒,外加堅持對搖滾的極度熱誠,早已準備好站上國際舞台大展身手一番!




David Cook - Time of my Life

I've been waiting
For my dreams
To turn into something
I could believe in
And looking for that
Magic rainbow
On the horizon
I couldn't see it
Until I let go
Gave into love
And watched all
The bitterness burn
Now I'm coming alive
Body and soul
And feelin'
My world start to turn

And I'll taste
Every moment
And live it out loud
I know this is the time
This is the time
To be more than a name
Or a face in the crowd
I know this is the time
This is the time of my life
Time of my life

Holding onto things
That vanished
Into the air
Left me in pieces
But now
I'm rising from the ashes
Finding my wings
And all that I needed
Was there all along
Within my reach
As close
As the beat of my heart

So I'll taste
Every moment
And live it out loud
I know this is the time
This is the time to be
More than a name
Or a face in the crowd
I know this is the time
This is the time of my life
Time of my life

And I'm out on the edge
Of forever
Ready to run
I'm keeping
My feet on the ground
My arms open wide
My face to the sun

I'll taste every moment
And live it out loud
I know this is the time
This is the time to be
More than a name
Or a face in the crowd
I know this is the time
This is the time of my life
Time of my life
More than a name
Or a face in the crowd
This is the time
This is the time of my life
This is the time of my life


David Cook - Time Of My Life LIVE at Wal-Mart



David Cook AI7 Finale - Time of my Life





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