Daughtry  [ 遠走高飛Leave This Town]

成為美國最具話題影響力的American Idol歌唱比賽歷經八屆以來,第一位以樂團方式闖蕩歌壇的參賽者、第一位雙霸告示牌流行+搖滾榜冠軍的選手。

Daughtry僅靠同名處女秀,登記史上最快銷售首發搖滾專輯,寫下全球超越五白萬張的銷售門檻,拿下四座全美音樂+六座Billboard+兩座世界音樂獎,同時入圍四座葛萊等主唱堅強演唱實力和充沛美式搖滾爆發力的Chris Daughtry,雖然在05年參選澳洲搖滾隊伍INXS主唱徵選落敗,卻藉由06年的AI找到另一舞台,更婉拒百萬銷售名團Fuel擔任新主唱的邀約,找來鼓手Joey Barnes、雙吉他手Jeremy Brady與Josh Steely、曾誰說歌唱比賽最後榮耀一定是被前三名瓜分,完全逆轉勝的以第四名姿態獵殺所有目光焦點,成為美國最具話題影響力的 American Idol 歌唱比賽歷經八屆以來,第一位以樂團方式闖蕩歌壇的參賽者、第一位雙霸告示牌流行+搖滾榜冠軍的選手。

Daughtry 僅靠同名處女秀,登記史上最快銷售首發搖滾專輯,寫下全球超越五白萬張的銷售門檻,拿下四座全美音樂+六座 Billboard+兩座世界音樂獎,同時入圍四座葛萊美獎肯定。

擁有媲美 Matchbox Twenty 之 Rob Thomas、Nickelback 之 Chad Kroeger、3 Doors Down之Brad Arnold 等主唱堅強演唱實力和充沛美式搖滾爆發力的 Chris Daughtry,雖然在 05 年參選澳洲搖滾隊伍 INXS 主唱徵選落敗,卻藉由 06 年的 AI 找到另一舞台,更婉拒百萬銷售名團 Fuel 擔任新主唱的邀約,找來鼓手 Joey Barnes、雙吉他手 Jeremy Brady 與 Josh Steely、曾任硬蕊龐克/金屬團 Suicidal Tendencies 的貝斯手 Josh Paul 等各路英雄組建起 Daughtry。首張作品『Daughtry』發燒熱賣長達兩年之久,接連狂掃排行各榜七首 Top30 暢銷金曲,拿下快紅新世代搖滾天團寶座。

Jeremy 離團換上 Brian Craddock 入替節奏吉他手一職,齊力推出第二張大碟『Leave This Town』,再度邀請兩座葛萊美加冕的製作大師 Howard Benson(Kelly Clarkson、Papa Roach、P.O.D.) 操盤掌舵。

開場直接爆衝出火燙搖滾氣焰的「You Don't Belong」,Chris 裝滿憤怒的情緒瞬間點燃;第一波主打「No Surprise」,架構在標準的 Post-Grunge 曲式裡頭,邀來 Nickelback 的 Chad Kroeger+The Click Five 的 Eric Dill 聯手撰寫,快速攀上流行榜 Top15+成人抒情榜 Top14 席次;雖然載著重力加速度氣流的「Every Time You Turn Around」、「What I Meant To Say」,仍不失旋律性的提供琅琅上口之流暢音階;迷人的吉他搖滾抒情小品「Life After You」、「Open Up Your Eyes」,組合出所有討喜的成分,增添更易咀嚼的動人音符;層次感鮮明且張力極強的「Supernatural」,爽朗吉他與飽和鼓點,皆綻放無比的活力能量;意外發現進入鄉村音樂名人殿堂巨星 Vince Gill 聲影的「Tennessee Line」,散發陣陣鄉村民謠的清新味覺。Daughtry 火力全開的二度出擊,將多面向角度的力量合而為一,匯聚出更大聲也更狂野的搖滾撼動力!

Life After You(沒有你的日子)

Ten miles from town
And I just broke down
Spitting out smoke on the side of the road
I'm out here alone
Just trying to get home
To tell you I was wrong, but you already know
Believe me, I won't stop at nothing to see you
So I've started running

All that I'm after is a life full of laughter
As long as I'm laughing with you
And I think that all that still matter is love ever after
After all we've been through
'Cause I know there's no life after you

Last time we talked
The night that I walked
Burns like an iron in the back
Of my mind
I must have been high
To say you and I weren't meant to be
And just wasting my time
Oh why did I ever doubt you
You know I would die here without you

All that I'm after is a life full of laughter
As long as I'm laughing with you

And I think that all that still matter is love ever after
After all we've been through
'Cause I know there's no life after you

You and I, right or wrong
There's no other one
After this time spent alone
It's hard to believe
That a man could be so blind
Thinking about the better times
Must've been out of mind
So I'm running back to tell you

All that I'm after is a life full of laughter
As long as I'm laughing with you
Without you God knows what I'd do

All that I'm after is a life full of laughter
As long as I'm laughing with you
And I think that all that still matter is love ever after
After all we've been through
'Cause I know there's no life after you

以上轉載來自 ※Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網


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